Monday, May 22, 2017

6 months later

Six months ago yesterday, Bentley was in a fight for life.  It wouldn't be easy.  It would start with a dozen fractures in both legs a lengthy surgery.  It would involve a MRSA infection and an amputation.  It would take a team of Doctors and Techs nursing him for more than a month and two more months of rehabilitation.  It would take thousands and thousands of dollars. It would bring us to extreme highs and extreme lows, and to the brink of making one the hardest decisions we would ever have to make.  It would take a relentless Dr. to save his life.

And in the end it would all be worth it.  Six months later everything would be almost normal again.  He would flip on his back again.  He would chase the kids again, and he would sprint through the yard again. This is Bentley six months later. His scars remain, but so does his spirit.  
You can't put a price on that.

A few minor adjustments and he gets around just fine.  He still stands tall for his morning breakfast which sometimes is a random lucky charm. Our wood floors are covered in non slip mats now, so he can navigate a little easier. Sometimes he sleeps in his personal pen, but lately he has been sleeping in the open as our comfort level increases.

He's back to hanging with his
best bud.  Bentley doesn't always have the endurance to wrestle for too long so they often lay on the ground next to each other and "face fight". As annoying and loud as it sometimes gets, I can't help but think it's the greatest noise in the world.

Sometimes he even finds his way in to a bed.  He needs some help getting up there, but apparently not so much help getting down.  I learned this the hard way one morning as he threw himself out of bed and down a flight of stairs to investigate some random noise. By the time I heard him hit the floor it was too late.  Nothing seems to stop this guy.

Sometimes he lays on the couch with mom even though we don't let dogs on the couch anymore.....  well, three of them aren't allowed anymore.  He's relentless. He won't take "no" for an answer.

And sometimes his medical team comes by for a house call.  And THAT is the real beauty of this whole story. New relationships and the most wonderful people you never would have met.  If you don't believe we are all connected, go back to the beginning and read this whole blog again.  

It started with an accident but every day since has had a purpose.  

Much love to you all and thanks for following.  So many of you made this possible.