Tuesday, November 21, 2017

One more year with Bentley

It's been a year.  Let that sink in for a minute.  Just before Thanksgiving last year we were taking Bentley to the emergency room and wondering how things would be without him.  A story of loss.  Instead, thanks to some amazing doctors, family, friends, and even strangers.. we've been able to tell a very different story.  A story of survival, generosity, perseverance, and quite frankly,  some luck.  Ok, Lots of luck.  

It's also a story of friendship.  If you remember, Bentley and Bandit has a little falling out after the accident.  Something about Bandit leading Bentley into oncoming traffic.  And for many many months, the two of them didn't associate.  

You would never know that now of course.  Just as before, you would have trouble separating this pair of friends.  In fact, the missing leg seems to provide a better head rest for Bandit, his long nose filling the empty space.  

And Bentley won't be bested by anyone.  He has trained himself to climb the stairs and finds his way into his favorite spots.  The softer the better.  As you can see from the first picture, the Recliner seems to be his furniture of choice.  He has a way of making you feel guilty if he finds you sitting there.

Bentley really does have a dog bed.  Apparently, it's built for two.  Though Bandit doesn't play the lead role in this particular story, I sometimes feel that he should probably get his own blog.  That blog would be titled "Extremely jealous, attention thieving husky guy".

Occasionally you will find Bentley out sun bathing with Sasha who doesn't particularly enjoy the cold, other dogs, or men.  Sasha doesn't particularly enjoy much.  In fact, she mostly enjoys when the other dogs stay away from her. She actually behaves more like a cat than a dog.  

Most days you wouldn't know any of this ever happened.  Bentley certainly doesn't spend any energy considering the past.  He's moved on to three legged naps, hard wood floor slipping, and lots of wrestling. 

He chases the ball, guards the bones, and fiercely defends us from every strange sound in the neighborhood... and even stuffed manatees .   He's as perfect as the day we brought him home and he brings us more joy than we can articulate.  He's the perfect oddity.  

Bentley doesn't know what Thanksgiving is.  It's always been my favorite holiday, for it's simplicity.  Forget what you heard in the history books, Thanksgiving is much simpler these days.  Be with the ones you love, share a great meal, and be thankful for what you have... for as long as you still have it.  As we all know, another day is not promised.  This Thanksgiving will be much different than our last.  

Bentley will be home with his team.  No two-a-days at the hospital and no difficult decisions to be made.  This year we will give thanks for all of you.  All those who supported in thought or deed.  It can often seem like there aren't enough good news stories in the world.  Maybe there aren't.  However, Maybe they just don't get told.  

Somewhere in GA, there is a three legged rottweiler named Bentley.  He's sitting on his favorite couch, with his favorite ball.  There's nothing particularly extraordinary about him...  except that he got a second chance.