Saturday, March 11, 2017

Just Time

It's been a little over three months since Bentley was hit by a car and almost two months since I posted about him.  In that time I have a shared a few pictures and a few videos that capture his progress.  Still, it doesn't do it justice.  It's just time, but time is valuable.  I'll get right to the point.  Bentley is winning.  

Here you can see Bentley eating his food.  No big deal right? Wrong, huge deal. This didn't happen without work. Even once Bentley started walking again, it wasn't pretty.  It's not perfect now, but it most certainly wasn't pretty in the beginning. Bentley figured out he could put most of his weight on his front legs and plow forward in a mostly uncontrolled fashion. It got him moving, but that's a lot of forward momentum and there wasn't a whole lot of agility. Getting him to stand and use all three limbs has been the challenge.  It was many weeks watching that back leg quiver and watching him shift that weight forward to avoid using it. He's using it now.  How do you fix that?  If you said "under water treadmill", you're right.

This contraption is like a huge aquarium with a treadmill on the bottom.  When Bentley first started on it, he was only able to walk for about five minutes, harnessed, with enough water under him to keep him fairly buoyant.  Now, he walks for nearly 20 minutes and the water level is down far enough that he is virtually doing it by himself.  He is assisted by some sweet ladies who towel him off after each workout.  In other words, it's not all bad.  Today his workout was cut a little short because his right shoulder was bothering him.  Before each treadmill session he practices his stability on a balance board, walks over some hurdles and does a figure eight drill through some obstacles.  Today he tried to go up the "ramp of doom" but only made it half way.  It's not really called the "ramp of doom", but that's probably what he calls it.  We just started outdoor walks this week.  He walks the road in front of the house which has a good incline.  That forces him to push off his back leg and build some muscle.  He needs that if he is ever going to conquer the ramp.  

Here you can see Bentley getting those front legs elevated, forcing weight onto his back leg.  Dr. Davis keeps his back straight, leg in position and rocks him on it to increase stress.  I thought I would explain that so you didn't think he was doing step aerobics.  He's not quite there yet.  

We always finish up with some laser therapy and stretching before we jump in the big fish tank treadmill thingy.  This is Bentley's favorite part because he has to do exactly nothing and he gets fed treats while people massage him.  I have considered standing in for him during this portion on several occasions.  

Since my last post we have gone to Aiken every week but one.  I'm not sure how long we can keep that up as it's very time consuming.  I think we will move to a bimonthly model soon and try to do more at home.  Bentley still has a pin running from his hip to his knee.  We had  an x-ray done about a month ago in hopes that it would be removed, but the doctor noticed that one of his screws had broken and the decision was to leave it in until the bone calcified more.  We are hoping to get another look at it soon.  It's not really bothering him too much but Dr. Davis felt some fluid built up in his hip and I think his comfort level will go up enormously once that's out.  

Bentley still hangs out near his favorite Myrtle and enjoys a good nap on the patio.  He has resumed his couch naps too.  

And his post workout dog bed naps :)

There is still a lot of work to do but we are making progress every day.  No more cone of shame and when dad is up to the task, he even gets carried upstairs for a good night's sleep in the big bed.  Thanks for all the love.  Bentley has a lot of fans and I don't get though a whole day without someone asking about him.  From Augusta Animal Emergency to Aiken Pet Fitness and Rehabilitation, and everyone in between, we are forever grateful.  

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