Wednesday, March 22, 2017


On the night of 20 March, almost exactly four months after his accident, Bentley has had his first major setback.  To be honest, we really don't know what's going on.  On Monday night Bentley was resting on his bed.  My intention was take him outside one more time and I called his name.  He rose to a sitting position but didn't stand up.  It's not completely unusual because sometimes he is a little stiff after laying in place for a period of time.  This time was a little different because he laid back down.  I called him again and he took a few hops forward.  He clearly wasn't walking.  I was hoping it was a mild irritation and gave him some pain medicine.  It wasn't until the following morning that I became truly concerned.  He barely made it outside to use the bathroom and I had to carry him back in.  A few hours later we were back at Augusta Animal Emergency to see Dr. Runnels.  Bentley had X-rays done but we still don't know how serious this is.  He still isn't walking.  The plate on his leg is coming apart.  One screw is broken and another is severely bent.  I believe there are two screws left.  He Dr. doesn't think that plate is functional anymore.  It also appears that the pin is now further into his hip.  That being said, the pin still can't come out because there is at least one area that still needs time to calcify and we don't see that happening for at least another 30 days.  It's a double edge sword.  If he isn't able to walk, we risk throwing away all of the rehabilitation we have done.  8 weeks of it.  I expect the muscle to atrophy quickly if we can't get him up for rehab.  On the other side, further stress on the leg could be a disaster.  Anyway, he isn't walking at all.  We are back to the sling and moving him between potty breaks and his bed.  The good news is that he doesn't seem to be in pain and his mood is generally good.  We are cycling his medicine and hoping that whatever is preventing him from walking will work itself out.  All options are still on the table, but we know we have to save this leg one way or another.  We're consulting with both his surgeon and his rehab specialist.  I am also considering a trip to Columbia SC for consultation with a Orthopedic Surgeon.  Anyway, it's stressful but we're certainly not in panic mode yet.  Hope to bring you better news soon.  Down but not out.  


  1. sorry to hear this but with the love he has of his family it will hopefully pull him through this setback.Good luck Bentley!!

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