Friday, December 2, 2016

Bentley comes home

Bentley came home on 1 December 2016 after a exclusive 10 day vacation at Augusta Animal Emergency.  We were so happy to get him home but there was also a lot of fear and anxiety.  We really feel that we are in over our heads.  Not too sure what to expect.  

The other dogs really weren't sure what to think.  I guess we were expecting some sort of story book reunion and actually had the video cameras rolling when we brought in his best friend Bandit.  Bandit was the Husky that was with him when he got hit.  Instead, Bentley jumped up and tried to rip his face off.  Videos deleted.  I guess there are still some hard feelings there.  Instead, here is a picture of him and Willow.  ;)

Bentley settled into his hex-pen quite nicely.  Believe it or not, I slept in there with him last night.  I got 12 total minutes of sleep.. not consecutive minutes.  We had to gap his pain meds to get him onto a schedule we could support.  He was pretty miserable all night.  Lots of whimpering.  I sold out and spent the whole night adjusting his pillows and trying to get him comfortable.  

This is how we move him.  Sling in the back and towel in the front.  He is doing great on his left side.  You can see that he isn't using his right leg yet.  That's the one he had the second surgery on.  We let him control how much weight he can support but he gets all tuckered out pretty quickly.  Its a short walk out the front door.  We try to keep him up as long as he is helping us.  He will lay in the font yard for a while before we move him back inside.  He didn't want me to post this photo...  

Bentley is loving all the attention.  He has become the neighborhood project.  Morgan and Parker visited from across the street and Katelyn is sporting her soccer uniform.  I'm sporting the "please shoot me now" look.  Trying to stay awake for his 10pm meds and calling it a day.  

    The best news of the day was when Krysta was getting ready to head out to work and I was rushing the kids out to soccer practice.  I cam around the corner and saw this.  Bentley managed to sit himself up.  Totally wasn't expecting that.  This is huge.  
   Thursday morning I called down to Aiken Pet Fitness and rehabilitation to inquire about their programs.  No one answered so I emailed them not expecting a reply.  That's usually what happens when you send a message over a web site.  Thursday night at about 630 pm I got a call from Dr. Davis.  Not only did she call me back, but she had already called Augusta Animal Emergency, gotten his records and reviewed all x-rays and Dr. Notes. I didn't ask her to do any of that.  She was so excited and wanted to know when I could bring him.  How awesome are people!?!?  

Anyway, that's enough for today.  Bentley started toe tapping with the right leg later this afternoon so maybe he will start using that soon.  If he can start putting some weight on that side... we're in good shape.  

Stay tuned.  


  1. Keep up the great work Hoys and Bentley.

  2. Thanks guys. Been a great start. More work to do!

  3. I loved reading this update. When I saw the pic of him sitting up, my heart melted. I'm so excited that he is progressing. Go Bentley!!!
