Friday, December 9, 2016

He's walking :)

He's walking :)  Not much, but he's doing it. We had taken him out a few times to use the bathroom and noticed that he wasn't going to conduct the day's business with spectators.  Most of us don't like others watching us poop, and this guy happens to dislike it as well.  So we left him.  When we came back outside we would find him somewhere much further out in the yard. We assumed he was crawling. This morning during the chaos of getting the kids off to school we finally saw him walk.  It was a bit like watching Bambi on ice.  His back legs are very weak and unstable, but he managed to stay up for about three minutes and was able to make a deposit.  I don't know about you, but in my book, that's victory. Unfortunately, he looks to have a minor infection in his right leg.  We noticed his staples were seeping a little this morning.
Krysta had to take him in today to have
 it cleaned and get some more  
medicine for him.  

It wasn't always that easy.  Earlier in the week we tried to mimic our experience at the animal hospital. We saw the Dr. there run some warm water over Mr. Winky in an effort to get his fluids going.  Here you can see that we put him in the bathtub.  Krysta started running some water on his daddy parts and sure enough.....  he fell asleep. Knocked out.  Gone. Snoring. Unconscious.  This dude can snore too.  Sounds like a full grown man with sleep apnea.

Our home has become a rehab facility.  We covered our wood floors with random carpets that we acquired from various sources.  It keeps him from slipping on the slick surfaces as we hoist him around.  Sasha claimed this particular rug and didn't mind sharing it with Bentley.  Willow and Sasha don't seem to mind him as much as before. Unfortunately, Bandit still won't come near him and growls at him if they get too close. He's hiding up in my room as I write this. Wish I could figure out what's going on with those two.  

Krysta and Bentely have really bonded through this thing.  I think she had always seen him as my dog and was often frustrated with his high energy and antics.  Or maybe it was the fact that he ate everything in his house and deposited it (by natural means) in the back yard.  Mostly Ryan's legos.  He's really clung to her since he's been home.  This may be my favorite picture yet.  

We spend most of our time on the floor now. Floor beds and pillows have become the standard.  I love the fact that so many people are following this recovery.  Every time I go on Facebook I am reminded that there are so many others experiencing their own hard times and tragedies.  I am reminded that our journey is but one of many. All things considered, our trouble is minor.  Perspective is everything.  


  1. That is such exciting news he is in the best hands ever yall are an amazing family and I am so thankful that Bentley is a big part of that<3 ... I think that Bandit is feeling bad for what happened 2 Bentley just like any human 2 people get out doing crazy stuff together and one gets hurt the other one feels bad and guilty I think that's what's going on with Bandit I'm sure he will definitely come around because they was partners in crime LOL that friendship will always be there I think he's just feeling guilty
