Monday, December 5, 2016

You're doing it wrong

This used to be our dining room.  We never actually dined there so it's really no loss.  It's basically Krysta's Rae Dunn collection and a table.  Bentley spent his first few days isolated here to keep him away from the other dogs as we weren't quite sure how they would all interact.  We try to take his "windshield" off as much as possible as long as we are there to make sure he doesn't rip open his stitches.  He really hasn't tried that.  He does try to lick them sometimes. 

I took Bentley outside for a little while yesterday. It was cold and raining but my woobie kept him warm.  It was really his first day out of solitary and back into general population.  As you can see here, big sister is checking him out and asking for his milk money.  It actually made for a funny video. She kept sticking her head inside his windshield and running around him in circles.  Right after this photo was taken she delivered a big right hook.  Good times had by all.

Bentley wanted to watch the Redskins game with me so I brought him out for a little while.  He doesn't really like photos and I think that's evident by the look on his face.  Actually, maybe he doesn't like the Redskins.  I hadn't actually considered that.  Maybe that's why he's not actually watching the game.

Bentley Fell asleep about the same time that the Redskins offense did.  That was immediately after kickoff.  Bandit snuck in for some clandestine cuddle time.  This is as close as they've gotten since Bentley came home.  They just haven't connected yet.  To be fair, all the dogs have avoided him for the most part. 

Tonight we took Bentley to see the Dr. who conducted his surgery.  He showed us the proper way to stretch out his back legs.  We have been doing it wrong and not being hard enough on him.  The concern is that the scar tissue will build up and prevent him from having the flexibility needed to walk properly.  It took three of us to hold him down and get it done.  He was screaming in pain, but we could see the range of motion improve.  They also got him up on the table and cleaned out his undercarriage.  He had been holding his pee for over 24 hours and they were able to empty his bladder to.  It was totally like the scene in Austin Powers.  The dude urinated for about 5 minutes straight.  We have an appointment with a rehabilitation specialist next Monday and she is going to spend a few hours with him.  This whole thing has been about learning. 

Thanks so much for the continued support.  So many people have donated to his campaign and it's made a world of difference.  If you're wondering about the cost.... it's a lot.  We picked up more pain medications for him tonight and that alone was almost $200.00.  To this point we are somewhere over $7,000 into this thing and haven't started rehabilitation.  That probably sounds insane to some of you and I suppose on some level that's a fair way to see it. It has all been a little overwhelming and has really changed our whole lifestyle.  It's like raising a baby again.   

A few months ago I led a fundraiser earning enough money to buy over 8,000 pounds of food for the food bank in Augusta.  Krysta and I always make it a point to "pay it forward" when we are out with our kids.  We always look around the restaurant and find a family and pay for their meal.  I also support St. Jude's and Make a Wish Foundation every year.  I only tell you that because some of you donated your hard earned money to save a dog that you didn't know because he meant the world to me and my family.  You've confirmed (to me) that what you put out in the world comes back.  As soon as we are back on our feet we will be putting more back into the world.  I hope to do for you what you have done for us.  Ya'll are amazing.   Bentley's GoFundMe page


  1. Where is the link to his go fund me
    Account. I am one that thinks it's crazy.....Lord knows I love crazy!
    Add the link! Jan

  2. Lol! I added the link above. "Bentley's GoFundMe page". Thanks for thinking of us Jan :)
