Saturday, December 31, 2016

Bentley's New Year

Bentley came home on 30 Dec 2016 :) 
I can't tell you how good that feels. I CAN tell you that it seems like forever since I updated this blog.  It's only been about eight days though. 
In that eight days we made it through Christmas and got to see our boy make some huge strides.  Immediately we noticed his personality return.  He also figured out he could walk.  Most of you have seen the video by now.  I can't remember what happened that day, but we had gotten to AAE super late.  Late enough that the staff wasn't sure that we were coming.  The staff must have told Dr. Peters that we had arrived because she was camera ready when we walked back to
see him.  She told us to wait and we did... and he came to us.  It was only a few steps, but it totally reminded me of the feeling I got when my children did the same thing.  A few wobbly steps as they fall into you.  Just to the right side of his enclosure, a stocking hung, gifted by "Santa Paws" who had apparently made it there before we did.  Maybe not your traditional Christmas experience, but one that I will absolutely never forget. 

Once again we brought some small things to our favorite medical team.  Some sweets on Christmas Eve and a Breakfast bake on Christmas Day.  Not much, but something.  All the other animal hospitals are closed on holidays so when you and I are hanging out and enjoying our family time, these guys are sacrificing theirs and standing by.

So, we brought them a picture of Bentley so they could be reminded of how important they are to us, and our pets.  Bentley spent a lot of time there.  We spent a lot of time there.  Even now, it seems strange that I won't be going there tonight.  What was once a inconvenience became something Krysta and I will miss.  We got to know the people there and will miss them dearly.  And because I know some of them will read this, I'll just say:  We are in debt to you and appreciate your care and kindness.  The many things you have done for us and simply for the way you treated us.  Our countless unannounced visits during some pretty stressful times and your ability to keep our spirits up, even when it was your spirits that probably needed to be lifted up.  Most of all, we thank you for taking care of Bentley.  Not once did we ever think he was better off anywhere else.  Not once.  From day one, we knew he was in the best of hands and you proved that time and time again.  You all hold a special place in our hearts and collectively or individually, if any of you ever need anything, please just ask. 

This has been a family affair.  Many of you mentioned that, among other things, we were teaching our kids a lesson about love.  That wasn't intentional, but if that's what they learned, I'll take it.  They are some pretty amazing kids who don't always get the credit they deserve.  They don't have it as hard as many kids their age, but they do put up with a pretty crazy lifestyle.  Mom and Dad are on opposite schedules.  Even now, as I'm writing this, krysta is at the restaurant managing the New Years Eve hysteria.  Kyla is in Atlanta, Katelyn is at a sleepover, and Ryan is with a friend setting off some fireworks.  I'm here covered in panting dogs who think we're under attack.  During the last month the kids have had to adjust their schedules and take on some extra responsibilities so that Krysta and I could get out to do what needed to be done.  Everyone has really pitched in to keep the wheels turning.

And Bentley has kept the faith and waited patiently for us to visit.  Sometimes boycotting his food and water until we were there by his side.  And sometimes he might have gotten some beef jerky or some watermelon as a reward.  If you haven't seen a dog eat watermelon, you'll have to come by.  Ours live for it.  I'm not sure why, because I barely touch the stuff ;)

 The infection is gone now and we are looking to the future.  Seeing Bentley happy has been so encouraging.  A few days ago, they pulled the drain from his amputation site and let us know that he would be coming home soon.  We called the rehabilitation facility down in Aiken and made an appointment for Bentley to start therapy on Monday. Soon, I will actually be taking some time off work so I concentrate on his recovery.  Thought I haven't talked to them in detail, I imagine it will be more intensive in the beginning and taper off or become manageable from home.  If the staff in Aiken is half as good as the staff in Augusta, we will be grateful.
There's still some risk, so we have to be extremely careful with him.  I know you guys have seen other dogs with missing limbs and trust me, I have seen it to.  I know it's not the end of the world.  Once again, it's not that he's missing a leg.  He's missing a leg and his "good leg" is being held together with pins, plates, and screws.  It was the more damaged of the two during the accident.  If a leg shouldn't have made it, it was that one.  And now, that's the one that he is counting on to get him through this.  This thing isn't over and the next few weeks/months will be critical.  However, we have come a long long way, and we are totally up for this next challenge.  He's home.  Did I mention that?

He's kind of "roughing it" these days.  I had to laugh today thinking about it actually.  If there's ever been a more famous Rottweiler, I don't know about it.  This guy is absolutely getting spoiled.  I was on call last night so I slept on the couch just a few feet from him.  He was snoring hard like he'd just returned from some kind of epic adventure.  He made it outside a few times today and proved he can do just about everything on his own.  The activity is wearing him out though so he is getting a lot of naps in. 

Come and get your picture taken with Bentley and you could be in his blog lol.  All the kids in the neighborhood are coming by, taking pictures and making videos.  There is even a movie in production...... apparently.   Though the trailer I saw this morning has more pictures of the kids, and less pictures of Bentley. Either way, Bentley definitely loves the attention and he seems pretty relaxed.  The other dogs are doing a little bit better with him this time too.  The last time he was here, that right leg was really bothering him and the other dogs definitely were able to sense the amount of pain he was in.  This time, there is a more relaxed atmosphere we are hopeful that things will get back to normal before too long. 

Sasha (pictured on left) was the first one to lay down next to him.  She's eight years old and is the "mother" of the house.  She actually lays on the floor in front of his bed facing outward in a protective posture.  She really seems to be protective of him. Bandit on the right is his best friend, who was with him during the accident. Though they haven't reconnected just yet, they don't seem as anxious around each other as they did the last time Bentley was home. 

And speaking of visitors, today Bentley was visited by his "Grandparents".  They own his mom "Bella" and have been supper supportive during this whole ordeal.  These are some truly great people who selectively bred in the qualities we love most in this dog.  Everything you thought you knew about the Rottweiler breed goes right out the window when you meet this blood line.  Absolutely the most peaceful, playful, and well mannered dogs you will ever see. Anyway, it's pretty cool that they cared enough to drive all the way out here to see him.  What a great family Bentley has. 

So that's where we're at right now.  Starting therapy on Monday and waiting to see what comes next.  But before I go, I have to include two last pictures.  This one is from the hospital last night, right before Bentley was released.  Ryan was checking him out to make sure that he was in good enough shape to come home.  He couldn't hear a heart beat, but we brought him home anyway, just in case. 

And this, my friends, is Booger.  No blog is ever complete without a picture of Booger. Ryan actually got to feed her a bottle which put her to sleep in his arms.  He doesn't get too excited about animals but That's a mighty cute Booger.  You're welcome :)

So that's Bentley's New year.  He wanted me to thank you again for all the support.  He also wanted me to wish you and your families a great 2017.  We wish you all exceptional health and happiness.


  1. What an awesome way to end 2016!
    Your writing is beautiful and I am in tears again! Your children are not the only ones who have learned! Bentley's story has truly blessed my soul.
    Happy New Year!

  2. Thank you Jan :). Happy New Year to you as well!

  3. I'm not a crier, but I'm fighting back the tears right now. What an incredible journey you've taken and thank you for being so transparent through it all and allowing us all to follow along. Go Bentley, keep up the great work!

  4. Thanks Crystal! This is as much for us as anyone and I hope to be as detailed as possible when it comes to this experience. Long after I'm gone this story will still be here for our children. Makes me think I should have been doing this for our life in general. Thanks so much for following.. lots more to come!
