Tuesday, December 13, 2016

We're not ready

48 hours ago, emotionally exhausted, and
overwhelmed, Krysta and I were ready to say goodbye.  Dr. Runnels walked us through the options again and we had absolutely no hope.  A bad infection in a bad leg, in a wounded dog.  He asked us "Where are you at".  He wanted to know what we were thinking. We told him we were ready to let Bentley go. I'm not sure what he was thinking, or what he saw, but he saw something we couldn't see and offered us an opportunity.  He gave us some hope and ultimately gave us a chance for a different outcome.  

This is Bentley tonight. He's beating this infection and he's not giving up. Over the last few days we have had life long friends, family, and countless strangers message us with support. The amount of love is unimaginable. My friend Crystal messaged me tonight to tell me that her daughter prayed for him today in school.  I can't wrap my mind around it.  I can't fathom how so many of you are following this story.  Over 2000 people have visited this blog, just today.  I don't even know 2000 people. Krysta and I combined don't know 2000 people.  Dr. Peters was there tonight when we visited with Bentley.  She has been so compassionate and so authentic through this whole thing. Every staff member from AAE has earned their wings in my mind.  Dr. Peters was a little misty eyed tonight and said "we aren't ready to give up on him yet".  With Doctors like this, and people like you, we are in great shape.  

So many of you have said that when he is ready to go, he will let us know. He's not.  This dog absolutely threw a fit when we came in tonight.  I don't remember another time when he was as vocal.  He's not done yet and I don't know how, but we will find a way.  Your love and encouragement has made all the difference.  Every prayer has been heard and somehow he knows.  The antibiotics are working and he started on some stronger medicine this evening to ensure that the job is finished.  I just can't even tell you how grateful I am right now.    

Kyla brought this pillow in last night and swore that it was his "favorite pillow".  I wasn't too sure about that, but sure as heck looks like it. He is resting comfortably right now and he's got the most wonderful staff watching over him.  

This is a picture of Krysta with a goat.  What does this have to do with anything?  Nothing. It has nothing to do with anything.  His name is "booger" and Bentley got a little jealous that mom was holding him.  I figured I would share this with you because seeing Krysta with a goat just feels good.  :)

We have a long way to go.  Not only do we have a long way to go, but we have no idea where we are going or how we are getting there.  We only know that there's more to this story.  We're thankful that there's more to this story. 


  1. Army Strong!. This is the year for long odds -- The Cavaliers won, the Cubs won and Army won -- Bentley's a winner too.

    Keeping the faith up north --

  2. Great news on Bentley, what a lovely boy he is. Dr Runnels, Dr Peters, and the team at AAE are the best. If you remember when you're in, please tell them that Sheena Riley says hello and Merry Christmas from Scotland.

    All the very best to you and your boy.

    1. I will tell them tonight. Thanks so much Sheena and Merry Christmas to you!

  3. To the Hoy family, even though shine people see them as just dogs, those of us that have them call them our children. You and your family are living and strong, like you raised Bently. Keeping hope alive and giving all the love you have is the best medicine.

    1. Won't leave one of our own behind no matter what species he is. Thanks so much :)
