Saturday, December 3, 2016

On his own

In January it will be three years since we brought Bentley home.  He was the last of his litter, the runt, and his poor little toe was hanging off his foot.  We found him running around in a pen by himself in the breeders front yard.  He was tiny and Bo-legged.  You can see how happy I was.  He was mine.  The first time I got to pick a dog....ever.  

This dog would be the same dog that would jump through our front window, wearing the frame like a collar as he ran up the street chasing two lap dogs and a baby stroller.... Just so he could lick the puppies.  He would end up with a earth shaking bark and a tender heart.

Today we spent some time outside.  Even injured, he sounds off at anything moving.  He truly thinks he's protecting us.  That's what you have to love about dogs.  This guy has no clue that he's the one who needs help.  He doesn't feel sorry for himself at all.

I let Bentley lay on my woobie this morning when we went out for our "walk".  I think he likes the fresh air and just keeping a eye on the neighborhood.  He tires so quickly.  He refuses to stand for too long.  He's not using his right leg at all which is starting to really worry us.  

 The good news? Bentley walked a little bit on his own late last night.  I was laying beside him and he stood up.  He did a full turn and laid back down.  He used his front legs and his back left which he centered behind him.  Later on while I was in the kitchen, he made his way to the front door.  I took this picture to send to Krysta.  Still not sure if he walked or drug himself.

This is my buddy giving it his best.  You can see him struggling and avoiding pressure on the right leg.  He typically won't even extend it and let it touch the ground until he is exhausted. 
Going to keep at it.  If you can't see the video above or it's not working, you have to use internet explorer.  Not compatible with all browsers or devices.   


  1. He is definitely a strong babyboy he will be up running and jumping before you know it... it still upsets me about what that vet did to him and then sit there and try to deny it... I am so happy and so grateful that he has an amazing family<3 lots of love and prayers for a speedy recovery

  2. :). It's ok, we had the toe removed when he was neutered. The toe was the least of his worries at that point lol. He never missed it. Talk about adding character!
